
Designed by physicians for physicians and healthcare providers, this gynecologic examination simulator combines the ability to demonstrate multiple gynecologic procedures as well as practice laparoscopic examination and minilaparotomy. Features: full-size adult female lower torso with relevant internal anatomic landmarks, bi-manual pelvic examination, palpation of normal and pregnant uteri, vaginal examination (including insertion of speculum), visual recognition of normal and abnormal cervices, uterine sounding, IUD insertion and removal, contraceptive sponge insertion and removal, female condom insertion and removal, diaphragm and cervical cap insertion and removal, laparoscopic visualization and occlusion of fallopian tubes, minilaparotomy, one anteverted and one retroverted parous uterus, one 10-week pregnant uterus, one postpartum uterus, five normal cervices with patent os, four abnormal cervices, 10 fallopian tubes, realistically sculpted and anatomically accurate ovaries and fimbriae, and uterus and cervix feature patented “screw” design for fast and easy change-out. Simulator comes with talcum powder, K-Y Jelly, instruction manual, and soft nylon carrying bag.
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