
Buttock Mate
Practice injections on a live “patient.” Ideal for students to wear in order to understand the anxiety of real patients. Surface is very similar to a real body - leaves no needle marks! Simulated injection liquid can be injected into it. Features “sensitive point” for correct injection area. Light and compact injection simulator. Model has drain tube, drain bag, and belt to secure and position simulator on patient. 19-1/2 H x 13-5/8 W x 5-1/2 D. One-year warranty.
臀部的伴侣 臀部肌肉注射外套翻译如下;
为学生穿上一个活的“病人”,以了解真正病人的焦虑。表面是非常相似的一个真实的身体-没有留下针痕迹!模拟注入液体可以注入它。正确注射部位的“敏感点”。轻型和小型注塑机。模型具有漏极管、漏袋、安全带等安全可靠的位置模拟器。1 / 2 x 8 x 5 13-5 / / 2 D.保修一年。
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