
Intramuscular Injection Simulator
Here is the perfect volunteer for training your beginning health care students to administer intramuscular injections. Always available for class demonstrations or practice by groups of 1 to 30, the Life//form® Intramuscular Injection Simulator offers both visual and tactile learning.A simulated bony structure is embedded in the torso and represents the superior end of the femur, or greater trochanter, the posterior superior and anterior superior iliac spines, and the sacrum. The bony structure provides palpable anatomical landmarks so students can identify proper injection sites.
A section of the upper, outer quadrant of the left gluteal area is cut away to allow students to visualize the underlying structures. The gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles, sciatic nerve, and vascular structures are clearly shown.
Three types of intramuscular injections can be taught and practiced on this simulator: dorsogluteal, ventrogluteal, and vastus lateralis injections. As with all Life/form® replicas and simulators, the Intramuscular Injection Simulator is extremely realistic. Skin and muscle textures, as well as bone shape and position, closely resemble a live patient. As a result, perforation of the tissue with a needle duplicates the sensation of administering an actual injection. Life/form® Intramuscular Injection Simulator comes complete with teaching guide, supply of syringes, and hard carrying case. Three-year warranty.
这里是一个完美的志愿者,训练你开始健康护理的学生,以管理肌肉注射。总是可以通过1到30组课堂演示或实践,生活/ /形式®肌注模拟器提供视觉和触觉学习。
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